
Business Organizational Change Management
The business world- "Kingdom of Uncertainty", constant dynamic, today every organization has to be awarded to it strengths and weaknesses from inside and looking for outside threats, that's where we step in.
Customer's satisfaction from one side and increasing company profitability and employee's involvement from the other is the key for company prosperity.
We're focusing on the organization and the human recourse in order to improve the needed and getting it to the place it aspire to be at.
We'll walk together side by side through the analyzations phases, define problems needed to be improved, set specific working plan for implementing the needed improvements, control through process to the end of it in order to assure the needed organizational change.
Information Systems implementation
Information Systems implementation is one of the most important projects of the organization. Well fitted information system can improve managing of operations, suppliers, money, human resource, customer service and more…all of that in order to improving managing all organization properties in the best way and by that increasing company profitability.
Deciding on Information Systems implementation as CRM/ERP/BI or others contains difficulties, human recourse and money allocating, raising all company members to the process from the senior management to the last employee.
When a company deciding on lunching that significant project it has to be assured it has to be owning the needed experience, knowledge and tools for it. All of that with the integration of the accumulated knowledge for structuring business processes, identifying risks and processes controlling and cross organization project management in order to leading the company improvement, that's our job.
With over than 15 years' experience leading change management project-local and global, privet and public, small and big, with structured methodology and team of professionals- we can lead, guide, walk with you side by side- do it together.
We specialize in:
*Business Organizational Change Management
*InformationSystems implementation
*ERP/CRM Journey Next Step
*Managers development
*Personal and Business consultation
*Knowledge Management systems implementation

ERP/CRM Journey Next Step
When system potential is unrealized and the use of IT tools is problematic and there are single points of failure in business processes, these things lead to harm the organization's ability to achieve its business objectives, these are the difficulties that our tool address.
As part of this process we work with organizations that when the Go-Live phase several years ago and perform actions such as: Identify the organization where the use of the information systems titles as non-exhaustive, selecting core processes and defining processes for exiting, obtaining a complete and wide from all position-related defined process, formulating a work plan which promote the effective use of the information systems in order to improve business processes, and more…
We have developed a new diagnostic tool successfully proven that we used as a preservatives, critics and helps the organizations to maximize the use of the system, in the years after they have aired, and in deepening business processes over time, using a structured and proven methodology for optimization. The tool allows the organization to understand where it is in the scale compared to where he wants to be and where it is in relation to other organizations that work with the same system.
Finally, we offer a structured work plan to improve the measurement process and optimize it (whether it is a system, process, or the human factor), with the approval of the plan, we accompany the organization to achieve the objectives set.
Knowledge Management systems implementation
Many system as SharePoint, aimed addressing enterprise knowledge management, this system provides a single infrastructure sites consistent management for all enterprise documents with the relevant organization, project management and knowledge sharing
Content management in the system is easy after the implementation and having a friendly and intuitive platform to all users. The system allows access to all the data in the database with assisting in the organization's decision-making.
The deployment of the SharePoint system starts with the system and company characterization, understanding the needs of the company, analysis of the existing situation, implementation of the new system, end-user and key-users training in the organization.
In a world where we are inundated with information, databases are growing and getting bigger and bigger, making decisions based on real-time data, we want information to be available anytime anywhere...
knowledge is power, power needed to be managed. We are here for you.
Managers development
Manager in the modern world faces simultaneously with many challenges, competitive and dynamic, while the need to be conducted with the best human recourse in the company, project management, and many tasks to meet all the goals of the organization. The manager needed seeking for company best interest, being a professional in his field and has the ability to lead the organization development and growth.
We will define the role of the company's managers, identifying challenges and opportunities management, we combine the management of the internal values of the manager. A beacon of leadership will be in front, a leader who heads an organization that receives difficult decisions, design manager figure in the organization, manager's communication with his employees at various levels, effective management of staff, management of internal opposition and dealing with organizational politics.
We all remember the manager that affects us, the commander that we admired and dreamed of being like him. It is our role in Readiness Solutions, to help you lead your organization and the related teams toward goals you eager to achieve, leaving a mark in the organization, the progress through getting senior positions, meeting the objectives of individuals and professionals.
Personal and Business consultation
For many years Readiness Solutions takes an important part in the leading and most influential organizations in Israel, accompanied and leading organizations changes from the CEO to the employee levels.
The company specializes changes in organizations, but it is important to always keep in mind the human resources, the people are the beating heart of the company and so we accompany them in managing personal and business changes.
Who seek to perpetrate make the biggest change to focus on even the smallest change, personal change which will give the fuel and push through accomplishing major changes.
Strong building lean on strong and robust foundations, contact us to strengthen your foundations with will assist you improving your business abilities.